2004 BTCA National Specialty
Gardner, MA - August 15-20

Area Attractions and Activities

The Mayflower II

Bridge of Flowers

Lake Denison

Tourist Attractions

Massachussetts is renowned for its tourist attractions

  • Historic City of Boston (approx 1 hr. East of Specialty Site)
    Boston is the epitome of American history. Come visit the legacy of the the early American colonies along with museums and more!
  • Deerfield and South Deerfield (south of Greenfield MA - approx. 1 hr. from site)
    Visit the Yankee Candle Factory and Car museum, the Bavarian Christmas Village and Kringle Market; dine at the Chandlers Tavern Restuarant in South Deerfield or take a walking tour through historic Deerfield, (settled in 1669).
  • The Lake Denison Recreation Area and The Otter River State Forest, (Winchendon MA - approx. 15 min. from site)
  • Shelburne Falls (approx 1 hr. west of site)
    featured in the book "The 100 Best Art Towns of America" boasting a wealth of Artists' Studios, Galleries, Crafts and Specialty Shops, Restaurants and Bookstores, plus the internationally famous Bridge of Flowersand the glacial potholes of Salmon Falls.
  • Old Sturbridge Village (approx 1 hr. west of site)
    Step out of your world and into ours. Explore early New England in the company of farmers, craftsmen, and fascinating characters. Celebrate yesterday's proud traditions on your remarkable journey into America's past.
  • Lunt Design Center and Marketplace (Silversmiths) (Greenfield, MA - approx. 45 min. west of site)
    Visit the Designworks Factory, tour the Silver Garden and dine at the Artisan's Cafe.

Old Sturbridge Village

Eagle on the Connecticut River

Bringing the Past Alive

Activities and Sports

Golf, swimming and tennis all within easy reach of the show site.

  • Gardner Municipal Golf Course (approx. 2 miles from show site)
    152 Eaton St, Gardner, MA 1440 (Exit 23 off Route 2)
    Phone: (978) 632-9703 Fax: (978) 632-2029
    Dress code: No tank tops or cutoffs
  • The Woods of Westminster Public Golf Course (approx. 11 miles from show site)
    90 Bean Porridge Hill Rd, Westminster, MA 01473 (Exit 32 off Route 2)
    Phone: (978) 874-0500 Fax: (978) 874-0777
    Dress code: Collared shirt, no other requirements
  • Barton Cove Canoe and Kayak Rentals (approx. 35 miles from show site)
    Rt. 2, Gill, MA, Phone: (413) 863-9300
    Shuttle service for paddlers on the Connecticut River.