On a Roll!
While relatives Daisy and Gunter were accumulating points South of the Border, Tinker was working on Group Placements up North at the Miramichi (NB) shows (September 25-26, 2004). Bringing home a Group 4 from Charles Hunt on Saturday and a Group 2 from Geraldine Taylor on Sunday.
Size does Matter!
At least to Canadian Judge, Shirley Limoges who gave Tinker Best of Breed and Group 4th in very strong competition at the Halifax KC show on September 04, 2004
What an encore!
Tinker (Ch Falconbrook Persuasion) was awarded a Group 1 by Phyllis
Wolfish at the Moncton Kennel Club show on May 1, 2004.
On May 2 she received a Group 4 under Terry Carter from Alberta
Finished with a Flourish!
Truro Kennel Club Show, March 27th, Judge Robert Dawson from the Philipines Best of breed for two points and Group 3rd for three more points - that's it - that's all!!
Nice going Tinker!