Cabin Fever Weekend, Young Things, Making Progress, Staying Warm down South, Chillin' up North, "Accommodations" and "Spring Things"
(Click on photos for enlargement)
Saratoga 2006 was definitely not the gathering of JJ folks that we saw in 2005, but it did contain the usual ingredients of.........
Here's hoping that all the "usual suspects" plus an abundance of "first timers" will target "Cabin Fever 2007" as a social goal
Daisy & the pup-a-lumps - left-to-right:
Pup-4, Pup-2, Pup-1, Pup-3
Could Bumble be pining for young things of her own???
Jenny and her PT (physioterrorist) person
Eenie, Meenie, Minie, Mo! Which one to Shelburne will go?
Nadine, Phoebe and Enya soaking up the warmth..... in Florida!!!!!
Danny waiting for BBQ Season
Jenny's Room
After move to Burlington Rehab
Daisy's room Two hours North from her "mom"
"Did I do that..."Daisy looks on in disbelief. "Nice job, girl"
"Shut my eyes and wish real hard!" Bonus wishing for Spring
Spring is in the air! Mollie, Winnie and Mel enjoying February sunshine
A Spring basket of Daisies (Daisy's pups that is)
"Please don't yell like that!" Hazel definitely "turned off"
Good wine + good lap = good times - Boomer the "party girl"
"Funny Girl" Daisy and pup-a-lump-one