Birthdays, Fashion Month, "Going back" to Massachusetts, A New Year and Everything Else
(Click on photos for enlargement)
Happy Birthday Bumble - don't forget to share with Bria
"I suppose you think that's funny" Roger is "not amused"
"Hey, who's there?" Bonus caught in the act - but what act?
The Gunter - Daisy "pup-a-lumps" celebrate their first Birthday
Pip patiently waiting for the right time to open his presents,
Maisie and friend having "a ball" at her pool party
...but what about Teazle and Dundee! We want to share their celebrations too!
February is "Fashion Month" Not to be out done by Django many JJ dogs were seen sporting snazzy Winter Wear
Danny and his "Berber" ready for the outdoors
Teazle tantalising in red
Bria doing her best to "shed" winter
Bonus brilliant in red and Lizzie business-like in grey
Not just a smart dresser, Danny can read!
Meanwhile, Medrick dreams of finally meeting the JJ gang in September
"Going back to Massachusetts" our first return to the January Fitchburg shows since 2005
Paw prints in the sand, Nahant - home of our Friday hosts Mark & Michele
Daisy and Danny - two seniors just hanging out and hoping for some delicious handouts
Pip sharing special time with his best friend - what better way to end the day
B-days of all sorts
A "bed-in" - New Brunswick style
"I suppose you think this is funny?"
Young things and "new Beginnings"
"Read me story! Please, pretty please!" Bumble anxious to learn......
Happy Birthday Bria and here's to many, many more
Thinking of those in the "sunshine State"
Paul, Donna and Nadine - precious moments
Nadine started the year undergoing surgery to remove several growths. Most of her right ear flap had to be removed and at 15-1/2 the surgery "set her back a bit". But owner dedication and terrier determination paid off. Hopefully Nadine will get too spend many more days soaking up the Florida sunshine with Donna and Paul.
Nadine "post op", truly a trooper