Love Those "Tails"Stories and anecdotes from our extended "family".
A Lesson in Love - Midge's First Day at SchoolI just thought I'd tell you what an incredible little dog Midge was today at school. From the moment we arrived there, she showed no fear or hesitation (except at steps), and she was absolutely AWESOME with my students. She was friendly without being effusive and was willing to be held by any number of students (not to mention faculty) -- at times she was surrounded by 10 or 15 students. Everyone fell madly in love with her, and, even the principal said she was welcome to come back. Most importantly to me, she already engaged in a bit of unintentional pet therapy. I had a student last year who is very different in behavior and looks partially as a result of a brain tumor he had. He also lost his mom to cancer when he was in fifth grade and is prone to tears and depression. Needless to say, other teenagers don't like him very much and he doesn't have many friends--really a sorry story. He was in my room three separate times today to see and hold Midge. After school when she was really tired, he sat down on the floor near her, and she rallied herself to go over and give him one last kiss. He was all smiles--I could have cried it was so sweet. She will be a wonderful therapy dog --the way she acted today was once again a testament to you, Jacqueline, and Jocelyn for the way you socialized her litter (not to mention the care you take in your breeding program to ensure good temperament as well as conformation). What a great dog--for the umpteenth time, I couldn't be happier!!! PS--So that you don't think I have a perfect dog here, last night she was the puppy from hell--terrorizing cats, "killing" the dog bed and cat bed, trying to chew on the couch, peeing on the carpet and then barking at it, trying to steal the papers I was working on--that makes her behavior today even more amazing. I had actually worried that I might have been setting myself up for a bad terrier day! What a little character -- if I didn't know better, I'd think she planned it all! Barb Ryan
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