FC Lothlorien Ping CG, WC
In Memoriam to a Working Earthdog
October 9, 2003- September 13, 2008
FC Eli Looker x FC Hawkdawg Scotch
A faithful hunting companion taken from me much too young,
not by the dangers of the field but by the unlucky attack of cancer.
2004 AWTA Certificate of Gameness
2004 AWTA Working Certificate
2004 German DTK natural den test certificate
2004 German DTK conformation ranking Very Good
2004 AWTA Veteran Earthdog Award
2007 AKC Field Champion
Ping was the very first dog to be awarded the AWTA
Veteran Earthdog Award, established in 2004.
Ping never met a person or dog he didn't like; the same might be said for his woodchucks. We worked with many friends, earthdogs, and lurchers and had some remarkable times. During his 4-1/2 seasons, Ping worked over 100 quarry underground, and we accounted for more than 85 of those. The quarry we missed were due to digging challenges and our inability to support him as he deserved.
I'm going to miss him in the field. I am privileged to have the memories, and his older brother, Beamish, continues the family business with me.
Jo Ann Frier-Murza
Lothlorien Working Terriers & Dachshunds
Crosswicks, New Jersey
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