Out and About
March - April, 2009

Spring is in the air
(Click on photos for enlargement - most recent pictures at the top)

Freddie makes the grade in puppy kindergarten

While brother Hermit relaxes with half-sib Parker

...and Bria watches the sun set on this two-month news segment

Bria, brother Hobey and Bumble posing (blinking in Hobey's case) in the spring sun

More than half a continent away, Medrick also finds the spring sun a bit much

Back on the East Coast, Bonus has a different problem - waiting patiently for a ball thrower

Medrick exercises his rights as a venerable senior

An innovative way to slow down "inhalers"

The earthdogs are coming,
        the earthdogs are coming!!!!

Happy 12th Birthday Gunter - and get your eyes off Jacque's chocolate croissant - the nice muffin is yours!!!

Happy 12th Birthday Roger - this one is icing on the cake - your steak and cheesecake that is

Happy 12th birthday greetings also go to sister Iseabail in England with Jacqueline and to brother Newman in Ottawa.

Here's hoping they both had a great day with countless more to come.

"Knight" of the round table? Maybe - Roger is most definitely lord of this manor

Higgs and Parker - time to part company again before Parker becomes too "interesting".

Gizmo eyes her birthday cake - Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen and best wishes to sister Tigger

Ode to Spring
       by Rollie (15 mths)

Oh, spring. I smell you here.
Oh, spring. Are you not near?

The grass is grey, the sky less blue.
The poop is gone, the ice soon too.
I sense some rain, perhaps some breeze
Will clean the dust, then Mum's nose will ease.

I meant no harm, I thought I'd help.
The rosebush called, I did not yelp.
They call it pruning, I call it yummy.
Perhaps that's why I've had a sore tummy.

Now I am sad, my mum said "bad"
I did but chomp a few
small branches, the damage not great;
so why am I now stuck in my crate?

Oh spring, come soon and flip the latch.
I will be sprung -- a game of catch?

Ellie snuggles down and enjoys her new bed

Freddie and Sophie enjoy each other

"You're not going out without me" Medrick makes his point

Back from a long walk - Zeke takes a nap and dreams of....

... one of two chucks who wintered on our property.

"What about my spring jacket" Higgs in need of a makeover

"Now that feels much better" Higgs truly transformed

Hermit and GG having a wild "Spring fling"

"The Three Tenors?" No just Jinx, Mira and Lucky having a family howl down

Bria is definitely into the Spring feeling

...but wait a minute - Bonus is still dealing with "white stuff"

Remember Colin's February Daffodils - well here they are in March...

... and a few days later they miraculously reappear in full bloom - snow free with Free

...and GG enjoys the freedom of Anna's backyard - once again covered in snow

Hazel rests up for her "big event"

While GG enjoys a great vantage point

The Zeke - Hazel pups arrive March 4, 2009. Meet Toast, Twiggy, Tank and Twizzle

Lizzie in her "spring jacket"

Hermit attends "spring training"

GG in Nova Scotia - a taste of Spring


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